Travelling Alone and Following Intuition
When I came to Mexico alone for the first time, my family expressed they were scared and even upset with me that I would dream of...
When I Grow Up
I was looking at a collection of poems that I gave my mother for Mother's Day when I was 10 years old. It was an emotional and...
From - Yoga and Mental Health: Pranayama, Asana, and Mantra For Mood
Click the image above to check out my newest contribution to <3
If you haven't already you can check out my newest This is the pranayama technique that is called anuloma viloma (अनुलोम विलोम) or...
The Ongoing Practice of Listening to My Body (Instead of My Monkey Mind)
One of the most impactful things yoga has brought to my every day life is my newfound ability to tune into my body. The mind, often...